Hamilton Zephyrhawke Trial Consulting

Hamilton Zephyrhawke Trial Consulting

We are experts in change of venue surveys and the analysis of publicity’s impact in high pretrial publicity cases.


Hamilton Zephyrhawke Trial Consulting

Presentations & Publications

  • Salerno, J.M., Hamilton, M.C., & Breitenstein, M., & Zagnoli, T. (2022, June). Using Expanded Voir Dire to Identify Bias. Presentation at the American Society of Trial Consultants Conference, Denver, CO.
  • Ellis, L., Gabriel, R., Hamilton, M.C., Morris, C. (2022, June). Peremptory Task Force Progress Report. American Society of Trial Consultants Conference, Denver, CO.
  • Hamilton, M.C., Marder, N., & Peery, D. (2017, June). Debate on the Elimination of Peremptory Challenges. Invited speaker, American Society of Trial Consultants Conference, Chicago, IL.
  • Hamilton, M.C., Olson, B., Sackett, C., & Seago, E. (2017, June). Legal Authoritarianism and Need for Cognition Questions as Predictors of Guilty and Death Penalty Biases. Poster and oral presentation at the American Society of Trial Consultants Conference, Chicago, IL.
  • Hamilton, M.C. (2017, August). Uncovering Jury Bias by Asking the Right Questions: The Social Psychology of Jury Selection. Continuing Legal Education Workshop, Kentucky Bar Association, Lexington, KY.
  • Hamilton, M. C., & Zephyrhawke, K.  (2015, December). Revealing Juror Bias without Biasing Your Juror: Experimental Evidence for best Practice Survey and Voir Dire Questions. The Jury Expert27(4). 
  • Hamilton, M.C., Linden, E., Moore, H., Pitt, M., & Storch, L. (2014). The Ubiquity of Premature Rehabilitation: How “Prehabilitation” Leads Prospective Jurors to Hide Their Biases, The Jury Expert26(3).
  • Hamilton, M.C., Moore, E. (2014, June). The Prevalence of “Prehabilitation” in Voir Dire: How Judges and Attorneys Inadvertently Lead Prospective Jurors to Hide Their Biases. Poster presented at the conference of the American Society of Trial Consultants, Asheville, NC. First place in Poster Competition.
  • Hamilton, M. C. (2014, March). Detecting Juror Bias in High PTP Cases. CLE Symposium, Fayette County Bar Association, Lexington, KY.
  • Hamilton, M. C., Henize, H., Phipps, C., & Storch, L.  (2013, May). Voir Dire and Social Desirability: Does “Prehabilitation” Reveal or Conceal Juror Bias?  Presented at the American Psychological Science Conference, Washington, D. C.
  • Hamilton, M. C., & Henize, H. (2013, February).  Prehabilitation, Individual Voir Dire, and Detecting Prospective Juror Bias: The Trayvon Martin Case.  Presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Conference, Portland, OR.
  • Robbins, E., Stivers, K., & Hamilton, M. C. (2012, November). Judicial Practices, Hidden Juror Bias, and the Trayvon Martin Case: Better Practices in Individual Voir Dire. Paper presented at the Kentucky Academy of Science Conference, Frankfort, KY.  First place, Psychology Papers Competition.
  • Hamilton, M. C., & Lunger, J. (2012). The Dangers of Pretrial Publicity: How a Change of Venue Survey Can Help.  Continuing Legal Education Symposium, Kentucky Bar Association Convention, Louisville.
  • Hamilton, M., Augustus, A. N., & Melloan, J. (2011, March). Voir Dire, Change of Venue, and “Legal Desirability”: Hidden Jury Bias in High PTP Cases. Presented at the American Psychology-Law Society International Conference, Miami, FL.
  • Siler, H., & Hamilton, M. C. (2010, April). The Role of Context and Wording in Prospective Juror Questioning. Presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, Dallas, TX.
  • Hamilton, M. C., & Poe, L. (2010, April). Weapon Focus: Threat or Unusualness? Presented at RICE Conference, Centre College.
  • Hamilton, M. C., & McGinley, K. (2009, March). Lies, Damn Lies, and Voir Dire: Prospective Jurors’ Opinions of Guilt/Innocence in Highly Publicized Cases. Presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Conference, San Antonio, TX.
  • Hamilton, M.C., Hunter, B., & Stuart-Smith, S. (1994).  Jury instructions Worded in the Masculine Generic: Can a Woman Claim Self-defense When “He” is Threatened?  In C. Roman, S.Juhasz, & C. Miller. The woman and language debate: A sourcebook. New Brunswick, N.J.:  Rutgers University Press.      
  • Hamilton, M.C. (1994, March). Does Male-biased Language in a State Constitution Really Hurt?  Presented at the Association for Women in Psychology, Newport, RI.
  • Hamilton, M.C. (1988, November). Masculine Generics in Jury Instructions. Presented at the Kentucky Academy of Science, Richmond, KY.


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Centre College
600 W Walnut St.
Danville, KY 40422
United States